Friday, January 20, 2012

creative freedom

I've been thinking a lot about the importance of play and wanted to share some personal thoughts around creativity. A few months ago I was describing my little boy's birthday cake making adventure to my mom and used the words 'complete creative freedom.' From the flavors to the toppings to the extra special decorations, they get to choose it all. What a blessing (& great lesson to learn!) to watch children create with no boundaries or limits. We gather all of our toppings and just let the kids have at it. It inspires me to no end and once again, reminds me of the essential nature of freedom and play in all our lives. I loved watching both my kiddos come up with idea after idea of how the cake should be decorated and the delight in their eyes as they stuck 'just one more picture' in. Oh how I want to preserve their uninhibited imagination where anything and everything is possible! I'm convinced that children are spiritual masters. Yes. I'm sure of it. Homemade birthday cake making has become such a fun tradition in our family and one of my very favorite and cherished ways to celebrate their special day. Here is the 7th birthday cake masterpiece. I hope it makes you smile as much as it does me!


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